0 13 min 2 yrs

Best Extended Car Warranty for 2024

Shopping for an extended car warranty may not sound very fun, but having this protection can provide considerable peace of mind. After all, the best-extended car warranties can ensure your car gets fixed during a covered breakdown. Best of all, your extended warranty coverage will […]


The Loss Experience

0 3 min 11 yrs

I remember sitting next to the head of a major broking house not that long ago and we were discussing how surprising it was that the Gulf of Mexico hadn’t experienced a major hurricane since 2008, which then led onto a discussion of the frequency […]

0 3 min 11 yrs

Deferred prosecution agreements – Directors being hung out to dry?

Deferred Prosecution Agreements ("DPA") have been used in the United States for many years.  DPAs allow companies to take certain steps (either by way of reparation or ensuring that certain offences are not repeated) during a supervisory period and the trade off is that the […]

0 4 min 12 yrs

Never Mind The ‘Elf and Safety', It’s the brand, stupid!

What recent parliamentary Act has “the potential to be the most significant piece of legislation for health and safety law in 40 years”? In an article I recently read by Helen Grimberg of law firm Berrymans Lace Mawer, it’s the recently adopted Enterprise and Regulatory […]
